SustainabilityDisclosures hosts Europe’s most comprehensive database of sustainability disclosures from public and private companies subject to CSRD regulations. We place a particular emphasis on covering private companies across all EU member states.

We collect all reported data down to the last data point (not just the main KPIs) in accordance with regulatory standards. The data is available via API, in Excel format, and on the web.

Excel file output

Excel files, available for download on the web and via API, are prepared according to regulatory standards. The current version follows Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2023/2486, which provides regulatory templates in its annexes.

General Format

Our Excel files strictly follow the definitions and exact standards outlined in the EU delegated act. The number of columns and their order are fixed according to the standard to ensure machine readability.

The number of rows varies depending on the number of activities in each section, including aligned, eligible-but-not-aligned, and eligible activities. To facilitate parsing, each section's roots and headers follow standardized names as specified in the regulations and serve as anchors for data extraction. For example, to identify all rows with aligned activities in the Turnover EU Taxonomy disclosure, you would locate a row containing the text “A.1. Environmentally sustainable activities (Taxonomy-aligned)” in column A, which marks the top of the section, and another row with the text “Turnover of environmentally sustainable activities (Taxonomy-aligned) (A.1)” in column A, which marks the bottom of the section.

Activity names may vary. Where available (i.e., explicitly reported by the company), we use official EU Taxonomy activity names with their corresponding codes in the Codes column. In rare cases where a company does not follow the regulatory template and the official EU Taxonomy code cannot be determined, we insert the activity name as reported by the company.

All values in the table comply with regulatory reporting guidelines, defining which cells are numerical and the range of possible text values for non-numerical cells (e.g., Y, N, N/EL). Any text values originally reported in local languages are translated into English, in line with regulatory requirements.

Conditional Formatting

Each file contains various conditional formatting rules that follow the presentation logic outlined in the regulations. These rules capture the majority of mathematical relationships in the presentation, such as ensuring that sum-aligned and eligible-but-not-aligned activities add up to their respective totals at the bottom. The same applies to activity contributions to environmental goals and reported activity shares, which should align with the values calculated from the reported absolute values, among many other checks.

These conditional formatting rules, implemented in Excel, provide insight into the complex system of numerous data integrity checks that SustainabilityDisclosures implements internally.

"As Reported" Values

All cells containing "as reported" data include hyperlinks referencing the exact section of the company report where the data was sourced. Clicking these links will open the corresponding PDF in your default browser via, where our customized PDF viewer highlights the relevant sections.

The most common reason for amendments is normalisation, ensuring that data is standardized and comparable across the database. This may include simple adjustments, such as converting measurement units.

Calculated values

Cells that do not contain hyperlinks and are written in italic represent values calculated by based on available information. This usually happens when companies fail to explicitly report required ratios or even absolute values, often assuming they are self-evident to the reader, despite being mandated by regulatory standards. This is particularly common for values like zero or 100%. Calculated values are included to ensure consistency and comparability across the entire database and are easily distinguishable from ‘as reported’ data.